Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I Love Diet Coke...

I admit it, I absolutly love Diet Coke. I have to blame my sister-in-law for this post too, cause she is the one who got me hooked on the stuff. Plus, she wanted to know when she was going to make my blog, so here it is sis! =) I so enjoy my ice cold diet coke, it doesn't matter if it's in the bottle, can, or from the fountain. I love it! Paul says that I'm a "diet coke snob" cause I prefer it over diet pepsi. But hey, everyone has to have their little pleasure, and mine (other than chocolate, of course) is diet coke.


Anonymous said...

Diet Coke Snob??? How can that be when DC is so much better that they don't even compare?

Anonymous said...

I agree, Alisha! Mmmmmm...Diet Coke. My hubby calls it "Diet Crack" because he knows I'm addicted. Can I help it if this is God's gift to women???